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Get Up!

Analyzing a organization website is a way to learn how to interpreted your own website and what it needs to become successful. I choose to view a non profit organization which involves itself in many societal issues.

GetUp! is a non-profit Australian organization that based their efforts on values and hopes of everyday lives. This amazing organization first caught my eye when I came across a beautiful video on Youtube created by them. Soon after watching the content, I discovered the creator’s website and wanted to unravel other work they have done. This video was focused on marriage equality for same-sex couples in the United States before the law was passed on June 26, 2015.

It follows a gay couple’s journey of emotional times of their lives from sadness and happiness which ultimately ended with a proposal. Due to the creativity and powerful message this video held, I decided to choose to analyze GetUp!’s website and witness what they were about. Founded by Jeremy Heimans, David Madden, and Amanda Tattersall, the website was officially launched in August 1, 2005. Their campaigns seems to be constructed around current issues for the community. The first campaign created by GetUP! Was to aim voters to keep the Howard Government accountable after it won a majority seats in the Australian election of 2004. The campaign resulted in encouraging followers of GetUp! To send an email to Coalition senators which stated, “I'm sending you this message because I want you to know that I'm watching. Now that you have absolute power in the Senate, it is only people like me who can hold you accountable. And we will.” The Howard Government shared many predicaments involving government debt and gun control which GetUp! decided to take a stand for. Their were no mission statement found within the website however, GetUp! Included, “GetUp members come from every walk of life, coming together around a shared belief in fairness, compassion and courage. It is GetUp members who set our movement’s agenda on issues they care about, in the fields of Environmental Justice, Human Rights, Economic Fairness and Democratic Integrity. Our work is driven by values, not party politics.” Reading upon their website, I have learned that GetUp!’s wants individuals, specifically, in Australia to have a voice and a responsibility to help a important cause or problem that may involve climate safety, protecting the future reef, holding governments to account, stopping the world’s biggest coal mine, defending refugees and asylum seekers, and having a fair and just community for the LGBTQ community. The purpose of GetUp! is to create equality amongst many people that suffered from hardships which is explained in a powerful video created by them and it states that the organization is built with ordinary people who are fearless and unstoppable. They use the media to promote these issues and voice injustice for their people.

The website is cleverly created to serve those who want to join the cause of their purpose. An individual is automatically greeted in the first page of the website with enlarge words stating people, power, and impact along with a group of people wearing a shirt of the organization smiling and giving out facial expressions of hope and accomplishments. Underneath it all, there's an option to “Get Involved” which has a blank space for your email. GetUp! Based their colors on orange which attracts people and it exudes warmth and invitations. The website is full of visuals of actual people helping the community and promoting the organization. It’s easy to navigate around the site and GetUp! Composed a section with all of their campaigns that been worked on and divided into sections include economic fairness, environmental justice, human rights, democratic integrity. Absorbing the website, it is safe to say that GetUp! Isn’t just an organization focused on the Australian community but they want to showcase a bigger picture and involve themselves with social and environmental issues across the countries. GetUp! Surrounds its website to activate emotions and make people feel bad about not helping the issues around the world. In one statement they included, “Each of us have a choice to make. We can sit at home alone, shouting at the TV about our wounded world. Or we can join together to heal it.” Just on the first page their is already so much information that it motivates you to make a difference even if it’s not through GetUp!. It lists different problems around the world. The organization included images of kids involving in the cause which tells others that even children are helping the world why can’t I. By implementing social media such as Twitter with 140,000 followers, the organization’s voices have no issue in making a difference and reaching out to others to help with the cause. The marriage equality video mentioned earlier has been viewed over six million times and it is obvious that many people encourages GetUp!’s movements. Their are events both online and in person which makes it convenient to get involve.

GetUp! Is an extremely effective organization to group people together who have a similar interest and fight for a better solution. The passion that exemplifies throughout the website guided me to want to know more about this organization. I always been a person for equality and trying to make a difference in this world. GetUp! provides an opportunity for individuals like me to want to change the world but don’t know exactly how. Their content on Youtube drew me to the organization and I wouldn't change anything about it. The only thing I would change about the organization is making it become global. It is represented by the community in Australia but it tackle first world issues that everyone can relate to. Expanding their organization will make voices heard and expand something beautiful for the world to see. This organization not only require volunteers but they want donations as well to help the funding for the different campaigns. It seems like GetUp! Has many different campaigns going on at once and it may result losing the main focus on one. By utilizing the CRAAP test, this organization can be easily analyzed.


Currently, all of the information provided are accurate and up to date. GetUp! organized everything in a way that is legible and easy to nativagate for its viewers and upcoming followers. Thy are constantly posting on all of their social media sites and it is impressive because of the amount of effort put into each post. All of the media’s sits created by GetUp! Have different posts from one another and nothing is being repetitive. Even though their YouTube channel, the videos are prime examples of the results of each campaigns and shows the creativity and passion the organization has. As discussing GetUp!, all information is current and relevant.


The issues this organization explains are current problems that the world is facing. By providing different campaigns it’s easy for someone to choose one of that sparks their interest. The intended audience is everyone and I would be extremely comfortable using the website for a research paper. There's massive amounts of information about many different topics involving cultural, societal, and political issues that can give me an advantage as a source.


GetUp! was created by Jeremy Heimans, David Madden, and Amanda Tattersall. The credentials are not found on this website however, with the information provided viewers can state that this organization has put in a lot of time and research for each campaign. The website offer a page of contact information. The URL does not contain any information about the author except it ends in .org which represents the non-profit organization.


All information is conducted by the editors of GetUp! Their is no evidence from any outside sources to elaborate on the statements included in the website. The information that is provided is extensive and explanatory. The website is fairly easy to navigate and each campaign include the problem and why it should be solved. Witnessing and watching videos of the issues discussed in the website, I can vouch that the information is correct and strikes raw emotion. All issues are relevant and accurate. GetUp! Is definitely not free of emotion. Their whole organization is based on emotion and the power of the people. In order to want to be involved with GetUp! you have to be devoted and have emotional attachments to these predicaments that are happening in the world today. The website is sharply done with no spelling errors, mistakes, or fake news.


The purpose of the website is to show people that these issues are going on every day and it is affecting lives. Many people like to get involved and make a difference and the website gives you an opportunity to do so. Join a campaign or make a donation is what GetUp! is offering. The intentions is extremely clear and with many supporters behind the organization, it makes it more legit and effective. The information seem like a form of beneficial propaganda. It persuades people to join a cause by providing strong visuals and statements that leaves you thinking even after visiting the site. GetUp! wanted to base their website and organization on equality and making the world a better and safer place.


Jeremy Heimans, David Madden, Amanda Tattersall. (2005). People, Power, Impact. GetUp! Retrieved from

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